Matthew Haskin
Project Manager
Matthew Haskin is a licensed civil engineer with 25 years of experience in stormwater drainage and water resource related projects. He has completed hundreds of storm related design projects and studies for industrial, commercial, municipal and residential clients. Projects included a medium risk 54-acre foot dam, numerous FEMA applications, 401 and 404 permits, SWPPP’s, public stormwater drainage study reviews, dam break analysis, master stormwater drainage plans, regional stormwater studies, and irrigation designs.
Drainage design and stormwater studies include, LOMR’s, CLOMR’s, roadway drainage, channel design, bridge design, culvert design, dam design, retention pond and detention pond design, storm drain system design, site plan design, site drainage design, geomorphic determination, scour design and reports, environmental impact statements (EIS), EPA Phase II (MS4s), NPDES permits, RCRA (water quality), and CERCLA (ground water plumes) projects, Probable Maximum Precipitation and Probable Maximum Flood analysis (PMP and PMF) working with HMR 51, 52, and 53, ANS 2.8 and NUREG/CR-7046, Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations (ISFSI). Other nuclear related projects include, waterborne projectile analysis, external flooding analyses for multiple nuclear power plants to satisfy the NRC post Fukushima requirements of 10 CFR 50.54 (f), site storm drain design, grading plans, FLEX buildings, and channel designs.